Governor's Park Chiropractic Mon, 11 Mar 2024 19:26:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Governor's Park Chiropractic 32 32 Do I Need a Referral For Chiropractic Care? Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:05:39 +0000 Navigating the healthcare system can often feel like traversing a complex maze, especially when it comes to understanding the referral process and its implications for accessing specialized care like chiropractic services. This guide aims to shed light on the essential aspects of the referral process, the nuances of seeking chiropractic care with or without a […]

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Navigating the healthcare system can often feel like traversing a complex maze, especially when it comes to understanding the referral process and its implications for accessing specialized care like chiropractic services. This guide aims to shed light on the essential aspects of the referral process, the nuances of seeking chiropractic care with or without a referral, and how insurance policies play a pivotal role in this journey. By delving into these topics, we aim to provide clarity and guidance for individuals considering chiropractic treatment, helping them make informed decisions based on their health needs and insurance coverage.

The Referral Process Explained

The referral process in the healthcare system is designed to ensure that patients receive specialized care from the appropriate healthcare providers. Typically, a primary care physician (PCP) assesses the patient’s condition, and if they determine that specialized knowledge or treatment is required, they will refer the patient to a specialist who has the specific skills and training to address the issue. This process helps manage the patient’s overall care efficiently, ensuring that they receive expert advice and treatment while also helping control healthcare costs by avoiding unnecessary specialist visits.

Is a Referral Needed? You Don’t Need a Referal To See a Chiropractor

In many healthcare systems and under numerous insurance policies, you can seek chiropractic care without a referral from a primary care physician (PCP). Chiropractors operate as primary healthcare providers in several regions, meaning patients can directly schedule appointments for assessment and treatment. This accessibility facilitates prompt attention to musculoskeletal issues, like back pain or joint discomfort, without consulting a PCP first. It streamlines the process of receiving care, making chiropractic services more readily available to those in need.

The Long Answer: It’s Better To Get a Referral for a Chiropractor

While direct access to chiropractic care is often available, obtaining a referral from your PCP can be beneficial for several reasons. First, a referral ensures a collaborative approach to your healthcare, with your PCP and chiropractor exchanging valuable medical information and insights about your health status and needs. This integrated care can lead to more personalized and effective treatment plans.

Second, a referral might be financially advantageous depending on your insurance policy. Some insurance plans offer better coverage for chiropractic care when it is initiated through a referral, potentially reducing your out-of-pocket costs. Additionally, a referral can help navigate insurance requirements more smoothly, avoiding potential disputes over the necessity of chiropractic treatment.

Moreover, a referral for individuals with complex medical conditions ensures that chiropractic care is appropriate and safe, considering their overall health situation. Your PCP can help determine if chiropractic treatments are suitable for your specific health issues and whether they should be part of a broader treatment strategy.

In summary, while not always required, obtaining a referral for chiropractic care can enhance the coordination between your healthcare providers, potentially improve insurance coverage benefits, and ensure that the chiropractic treatment aligns with your overall health needs.

Why Do You Need a Referral for Insurance Purposes?

The intricacies of insurance policies significantly influence the referral dynamics for chiropractic services, underscoring patients’ need to be well-informed about their specific insurance plan requirements. The variance in insurance policies can lead to distinct experiences for patients seeking chiropractic care, primarily based on whether their insurance necessitates a referral from a primary care physician (PCP) to authorize coverage for chiropractic visits.

Key Aspects of Insurance Policy Variations

  • Referral Requirements: While some insurance plans offer direct access to chiropractic care without the need for a PCP referral, others maintain a stringent requirement for such a referral to ensure the visit is deemed medically necessary and thus covered.
  • Coverage Limits: Insurance policies may differ in the extent of coverage they offer for chiropractic services. This can include limitations on the number of visits per year, coverage caps, or specific conditions under which chiropractic care is covered.
  • Deductibles and Co-pays: The patient’s out-of-pocket expense, including deductibles and co-pays, can vary significantly from one policy to another, affecting the overall cost of seeking chiropractic care.
  • In-Network vs. Out-of-Network Care: Insurance plans often have networks of preferred providers. Seeing an in-network chiropractor might result in better coverage terms compared to visiting an out-of-network practitioner, which could lead to higher out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Pre-Authorization Requirements: Some policies require pre-authorization for chiropractic care. This means the insurance company must approve the treatment plan before the patient begins receiving care to ensure the plan covers the services.

Governor’s Park Chiropractic — Accepting All Patients Regardless of Referral

Understanding the referral process, the accessibility of chiropractic care, and the complexities of insurance coverage are crucial steps in navigating the healthcare system effectively. Whether or not a referral is needed, the decision to seek chiropractic treatment should be informed by a comprehensive understanding of one’s health needs, insurance specifics, and the potential benefits of integrated care. Armed with this knowledge, individuals can confidently approach their healthcare journey, making choices that best support their wellness and financial circumstances.

At Governor’s Park Chiropractic, you can book an appointment at any time without a referral. While referrals are still welcome, you don’t have to visit a PCP first if you need a simple adjustment. Whether you want to relieve neck pain, straighten your posture, or regain mobility in your joints, the experts at Governor’s Park Chiropractic are here to help. Book your appointment today.

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Can a Chiropractor Help with Plantar Fasciitis? Tue, 27 Feb 2024 21:03:11 +0000 The post Can a Chiropractor Help with Plantar Fasciitis? appeared first on Governor's Park Chiropractic.

Plantar fasciitis, a common foot condition, causes pain and discomfort, often impacting daily activities and quality of life. Characterized by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue running across the bottom of your foot, it can be stubborn and challenging to treat. Many people wonder if a chiropractor can help with this condition. This article explores how chiropractic care might be beneficial in managing and treating plantar fasciitis.

Understanding Plantar Fasciitis

Before delving into chiropractic solutions, it’s important to understand what plantar fasciitis is. The plantar fascia is a ligament connecting your heel to the front of your foot, supporting the arch and playing a crucial role in walking. Plantar fasciitis occurs when this band of tissue becomes inflamed, often leading to sharp heel pain, particularly with the first steps in the morning or after long periods of standing.

Causes and Risk Factors

Understanding the causes and risk factors of plantar fasciitis is key to both prevention and treatment. While the precise cause can vary, the condition generally stems from straining the plantar fascia to the point where it gets weak, swollen, and irritated.

Common Causes

  • Repetitive Stress: Activities that put a lot of stress on the heel and attached tissue, such as long-distance running, ballistic jumping activities, ballet dancing, and aerobic dance, can contribute to the onset of plantar fasciitis.
  • Mechanical Issues: Flat feet, a high arch, or even an abnormal pattern of walking can adversely impact the way weight is distributed when standing and walking, adding stress to the plantar fascia.

Risk Factors

Several factors can increase the likelihood of developing plantar fasciitis:

  • Age: Plantar fasciitis is most common between 40 and 60 years old.
  • Certain Types of Exercise: Activities that place a lot of stress on the heel and attached tissues, like long-distance running, ballet, and aerobic dance.
  • Foot Mechanics: Flat feet, high arches, or an abnormal walking pattern can affect weight distribution across the foot.
  • Obesity: Excess weight puts more stress on the plantar fascia.
  • Occupations that Keep You on Your Feet: Factory workers, teachers, and others who spend most of their working hours walking or standing on hard surfaces can damage their plantar fascia.
  • Poor Footwear: Wearing shoes with inadequate support, particularly in the arch and heel areas, can contribute to plantar fasciitis.

Chiropractic Approach to Plantar Fasciitis

Chiropractors focus on treating musculoskeletal disorders, often employing a holistic approach to pain management and mobility restoration. Their expertise isn’t limited to the spine; they also address conditions affecting other parts of the body, including the feet. Of the over two million people suffering from plantar fasciitis, only about half seek treatment from a professional, including chiropractors.

Diagnostic Process

A chiropractor starts with a thorough examination, including a review of medical history, a physical examination, and possibly imaging tests. They assess foot mechanics, looking for issues like flat feet or high arches that might contribute to plantar fasciitis.

Treatment Techniques

Chiropractic treatment for plantar fasciitis may include:

  • Adjustments: Manipulation of the foot and ankle to improve alignment, reduce pain, and enhance function.
  • Soft Tissue Therapy: Techniques like myofascial release or the Graston technique can be used to relieve tension and improve mobility in the plantar fascia.
  • Shockwave Therapy: Utilizes sound waves to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Cold Laser Therapy: A non-invasive technique that uses light to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation.

Complementary Treatments

Chiropractors often recommend complementary treatments to enhance healing, such as:

  • Stretching Exercises: Specific exercises to stretch the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon.
  • Orthotic Devices: Custom shoe inserts to help distribute pressure more evenly.
  • Lifestyle and Ergonomic Advice: Guidance on footwear choices and workplace ergonomics to reduce foot stress.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Plantar Fasciitis

Chiropractic care, known for its holistic and non-invasive approach, offers several distinct advantages in managing and treating plantar fasciitis. The key benefits include:

Holistic Approach to Pain Management

Unlike treatments that focus solely on symptomatic relief, chiropractors aim to identify and address the root cause of plantar fasciitis. This might involve correcting imbalances in the foot structure, improving alignment, and enhancing overall body mechanics. Such an approach not only alleviates pain but also works towards preventing future occurrences.

Non-Invasive Nature of Treatment

Chiropractic care is an attractive option for those wary of surgery or reluctant to rely on pain medications. By employing manual adjustments, soft tissue therapies, and other techniques, chiropractors offer a treatment modality that is gentle yet effective, eliminating the risks associated with invasive procedures.

Customized Treatment Plans

Each case of plantar fasciitis is unique, and chiropractors understand this. They create personalized treatment plans tailored to the individual’s specific condition, lifestyle, and needs. This bespoke approach ensures that each patient receives care that is not only effective but also sustainable in the long term.

Overall Functional Improvement

Beyond just addressing foot pain, chiropractic care often results in an improvement in overall body function. By aligning the spine and correcting imbalances throughout the body, patients may experience benefits that extend beyond their feet, including better posture, enhanced mobility, and a reduction in other musculoskeletal pains.

Potential Challenges and Considerations

While chiropractic care offers many benefits for those suffering from plantar fasciitis, there are potential challenges and considerations to bear in mind:

Severity of Condition

In cases where plantar fasciitis is particularly severe or has led to additional complications like heel spurs, chiropractic care alone might not be sufficient. Such instances may require a more integrated approach, possibly involving other medical professionals or more aggressive treatments.

Time Frame for Improvement

The response to chiropractic treatment can vary. Some patients might experience rapid relief, while others may need a longer course of treatment to see significant improvements. It’s important for patients to have realistic expectations and to understand that healing is often a gradual process.

Medical History Considerations

Not everyone is an ideal candidate for chiropractic care. Patients with certain medical histories, such as those with specific bone diseases, severe circulation issues, or nerve damage, may need to seek alternative treatments. A thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional is crucial to determine the suitability of chiropractic care for each individual.

Need for a Multi-Disciplinary Approach

Sometimes, the best approach to treating plantar fasciitis is a multi-disciplinary one. Chiropractic care can be an integral part, but it may need to be complemented with physical therapy, podiatric care, or even lifestyle changes like weight management or ergonomic adjustments in the workplace.

Chiropractic Care for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a painful and sometimes persistent condition, but chiropractic care offers a promising avenue for relief and management. With a focus on holistic treatment and addressing the underlying causes of foot pain, chiropractors can play a significant role in alleviating the symptoms of plantar fasciitis. However, it’s essential to approach this as part of a broader treatment strategy, considering individual circumstances and potentially combining chiropractic care with other therapies for the best outcome. As always, consult with healthcare professionals to determine the most appropriate course of action for your specific needs.

For those facing plantar fasciitis or other chiropractic concerns in Denver, Lone Tree, and Wheat Ridge, CO, Governor’s Park Chiropractic is your go-to solution. With a team of experienced chiropractors committed to personalized, non-invasive care, we offer a free initial examination to tailor a treatment plan to your unique needs. Embrace a pain-free life and achieve your wellness goals with Governor’s Park Chiropractic, where your health and comfort are top priorities. Book your appointment today and experience the difference in chiropractic care.

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What is Neuromuscular Massage Therapy? Mon, 05 Feb 2024 19:37:14 +0000 Neuromuscular massage therapy (NMT) is a powerful tool for treating musculoskeletal problems, effectively reducing pain and improving mobility. It targets the body’s neuromuscular system with specific techniques to alleviate chronic conditions and enhance quality of life. For those considering this therapeutic approach, recent research underscores its benefits and potential to significantly impact health and wellness. […]

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Neuromuscular massage therapy (NMT) is a powerful tool for treating musculoskeletal problems, effectively reducing pain and improving mobility. It targets the body’s neuromuscular system with specific techniques to alleviate chronic conditions and enhance quality of life. For those considering this therapeutic approach, recent research underscores its benefits and potential to significantly impact health and wellness.

An Introduction to Neuromuscular Massage Therapy

The neuromuscular system consists of muscles and nerves and how they interact to control movement and posture. This complex system converts electrical nerve impulses into mechanical muscle movement, enabling voluntary actions like walking and involuntary ones like breathing.

Neuromuscular massage therapy is a form of massage therapy that focuses on identifying and treating soft tissue dysfunctions contributing to chronic pain and mobility issues. By applying precise pressure to specific areas, known as trigger points, NMT aims to release muscle tension, improve blood flow, and reduce nerve compression. This targeted approach helps reset the neuromuscular system, encouraging better communication between the nervous system and muscles and facilitating the body’s natural healing processes.

Key Principles

  • Trigger Points: These are hyperirritable spots in the fascia surrounding skeletal muscle. They are associated with palpable nodules in taut bands of muscle fibers and can cause pain and dysfunction in other parts of the body.
  • Postural Analysis: NMT therapists assess the client’s posture to identify patterns of imbalance or misalignment that may be contributing to pain or functional limitations.
  • Role of Neurotransmitters: NMT also considers how neurotransmitters (chemicals that transmit signals across a chemical synapse) affect muscle tone and pain perception. By reducing stress and tension in the body, NMT can help normalize the release and reception of these chemical messengers, aiding in pain relief and muscle relaxation.

Benefits of Neuromuscular Massage Therapy

Neuromuscular massage therapy offers a range of physical and psychological benefits, addressing both the symptoms and underlying causes of various conditions. Physically, NMT is adept at providing pain relief by targeting the muscular and nervous systems to alleviate discomfort associated with chronic conditions, injuries, and the overuse of muscles. It enhances mobility by loosening tight muscles and releasing trigger points, contributing to increased range of motion and joint mobility. Furthermore, through regular application, NMT aids in injury prevention by maintaining muscles in optimal condition, thus avoiding issues arising from muscles being too tight or imbalanced.

On the psychological side, NMT’s therapeutic touch exerts a calming influence on the nervous system. This not only reduces stress hormone levels but also promotes a state of relaxation, making it an effective tool for stress reduction. The benefits extend to improved mental health, with the stress-relieving properties of NMT helping to diminish symptoms of anxiety and depression. NMT is particularly valuable for individuals suffering from chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, back pain, and headaches. Athletes looking for performance enhancement or support in injury recovery can also greatly benefit from NMT, as can anyone dealing with stress-related tension or postural imbalances. Overall, NMT’s comprehensive approach to treatment makes it a versatile therapy suitable for a wide range of individuals seeking relief from both physical and psychological challenges.

What to Expect From a Neuromuscular Massage Therapy Session

During a neuromuscular massage therapy session, clients can anticipate a personalized and detailed approach to their treatment. Initially, the session begins with the therapist conducting a comprehensive assessment that includes reviewing the client’s health history and performing a postural analysis. This initial evaluation is crucial for identifying specific areas of concern that need attention. Based on these findings, the therapist then tailors the treatment to address these specific issues, employing various techniques best suited to the individual’s unique needs.

The duration of each NMT session typically ranges between 60 to 90 minutes, though this can vary depending on the specific requirements and goals of the treatment plan. The frequency of these sessions is also tailored to the individual, considering their condition and therapeutic objectives. This customization ensures that each client receives a therapy regimen that is not only aligned with their physical condition but also their personal recovery goals. Through this highly personalized approach, NMT offers a targeted therapy option that adapts to the client’s evolving response to treatment, ensuring the most effective outcomes.

Choosing a Neuromuscular Massage Therapist

Selecting the right neuromuscular massage therapist involves considering their qualifications, experience, and approach. Ensure they have the necessary training and certification in NMT, which is regulated in many places for quality assurance. It’s beneficial to choose a therapist who is experienced in treating conditions similar to yours or who specializes in relevant areas like sports injuries or chronic pain. Compatibility with the therapist’s health and wellness philosophy can significantly enhance your therapy experience.

To find a qualified massage therapist, you can consult directories provided by professional massage therapy associations, seek referrals from healthcare professionals or acquaintances, or conduct online research to evaluate potential therapists’ credentials and reviews. Making an informed choice based on these criteria will help ensure a successful and satisfying neuromuscular massage therapy experience.

NMT Could Be the Answer to Treating Your Pain

The journey towards optimal health and well-being is a multifaceted endeavor, requiring the support of skilled professionals who understand the intricate balance of the human body. Neuromuscular massage therapy stands out as a key component in this journey, offering a pathway to relief and recovery for those grappling with physical discomfort and mobility challenges.

Governor’s Park Chiropractic is a leading practice for neuromuscular massage therapy for those in Denver. With a team of dedicated professionals and a commitment to personalized care, Governor’s Park Chiropractic provides a comprehensive approach to chiropractic wellness. We invite you to take the next step in your health journey with us. Discover how our neuromuscular massage therapy services can make a difference in your life. Visit Governor’s Park Chiropractic today to book an appointment and experience the transformative power of expert chiropractic care.

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Orthotics and Back Pain: Understanding the Connection and Relief Mon, 15 Jan 2024 12:05:12 +0000 Back pain is a common ailment affecting a significant portion of the population at some point in their lives. While there are various treatments and therapies for back pain, one often overlooked solution is the use of orthotics. Orthotics, custom-designed shoe inserts, can play a crucial role in alleviating back pain by correcting postural imbalances […]

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Back pain is a common ailment affecting a significant portion of the population at some point in their lives. While there are various treatments and therapies for back pain, one often overlooked solution is the use of orthotics. Orthotics, custom-designed shoe inserts, can play a crucial role in alleviating back pain by correcting postural imbalances and improving gait. This blog will explore how orthotics help manage back pain, the science behind their effectiveness, and what to consider when choosing them.

Understanding the Basics of Orthotics

Orthotics are specially crafted inserts placed inside shoes to correct foot abnormalities, improve alignment, and support foot structure. They come in various forms, from over-the-counter insoles to custom-made devices prescribed by a healthcare professional. Custom orthotics are designed to fit the unique contours of an individual’s feet and address specific issues.

The Link Between Foot Function and Back Pain

The human body is a connected system, and the feet play a foundational role in this system. Poor foot biomechanics can lead to misalignment and strain on other parts of the body, including the back. Flat feet, high arches, or uneven leg lengths can contribute to an imbalanced gait, which in turn can cause stress and strain on the lower back.

Indeed, studies have found that orthotics significantly improved back pain and function compared to those without. This improvement was further increased when combined with chiropractic care.

How Orthotics Help in Alleviating Back Pain

Correcting Foot Abnormalities: Orthotics help in correcting foot abnormalities like overpronation (rolling inwards of the foot) and supination (rolling outwards of the foot). By addressing these issues, orthotics reduce the stress on the lower back caused by an uneven distribution of weight and misalignment.

Improving Posture: Properly aligned feet provide a stable foundation for the body. Orthotics help maintain correct posture by supporting the arches and distributing body weight evenly. This support reduces the strain on the back muscles and spine.

Enhancing Gait and Motion Control: Orthotics contribute to a more natural walking pattern by improving foot movement. This enhancement in gait can reduce the compensatory movements in the hips and lower back, thus alleviating pain.

Shock Absorption: Orthotics often have cushioning properties that absorb the impact while walking or running. This shock absorption reduces the stress transferred to the lower back, thereby preventing and reducing pain.

Types of Orthotics for Back Pain

Custom Orthotics: Custom-made orthotics are designed based on an individual’s specific needs. They are crafted after thoroughly examining the feet, gait analysis, and understanding the underlying causes of back pain. These types of orthotics are typically measured for and received at a doctor’s or chiropractor’s office and are meant to address an individual’s unique problems.

Over-the-Counter Orthotics: These are general insoles available at pharmacies and stores. While not as effective as custom orthotics for specific issues, they can provide basic support and cushioning. They also tend to be cheaper than custom orthotics.

Who Can Benefit from Orthotics for Back Pain?

Individuals with foot-related issues such as flat feet, high arches, or those experiencing lower back pain due to standing for long periods or poor footwear can benefit significantly from orthotics. Athletes and people with active lifestyles may also find relief in using orthotics to prevent back pain.

However, choosing the right orthotic type for your specific needs is crucial. Consulting with a podiatrist or a physical therapist can provide insights into the type of orthotics that would be most beneficial. They can assess your foot type, gait, and the specific causes of your back pain and design a custom orthotic to compensate. While over-the-counter orthotics can provide some relief, they should not be relied upon for long-term support.

Integrating Orthotics into a Holistic Approach to Back Pain

Incorporating orthotics into a broader back pain management strategy enhances their effectiveness. This holistic approach may include:

  • Exercise and Physical Therapy: Strengthening the core muscles, improving flexibility, and enhancing overall physical fitness can significantly reduce back pain. Physical therapy can also teach proper body mechanics and posture.
  • Ergonomic Adjustments: Changing work and home environments to support a healthy posture can prevent back pain. Ergonomic chairs, standing desks, and proper mattress selection are vital components.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Weight management, regular physical activity, and avoiding activities that strain the back are crucial in managing back pain.
  • Medical Treatment: In some cases, medical interventions such as medication, chiropractic treatment, or surgery might be necessary. Orthotics can complement these treatments by providing structural support.

Common Misconceptions About Orthotics

  1. Orthotics are only for the elderly: People of all ages can benefit from orthotics, especially those who are on their feet a lot or have an active lifestyle.
  2. Orthotics are uncomfortable: While there might be an adjustment period, properly fitted orthotics should be comfortable and beneficial in the long term.
  3. Once you start wearing orthotics, you can’t stop: Orthotics are not necessarily a lifetime commitment. Their use depends on the individual’s condition and how it evolves over time.

Stepping Towards a Healthier Future

Orthotics are a valuable tool in the arsenal against back pain. They offer a non-invasive, supportive solution that can make a significant difference in the quality of life for many individuals. If you’re struggling with back pain, consider consulting with a healthcare professional about whether orthotics might be right for you. Remember, every step towards better foot support is a step away from back pain.

For those in the greater Denver area, there is a custom orthotic dealer near you. Experience the benefits of custom-built orthotics at Governor’s Park Chiropractic, available in Denver, Wheat Ridge, and Lone Tree, Colorado. Our specialized service allows you to take home custom orthotics on the same day, designed to support proper foot alignment and enhance spinal health. We believe that well-adjusted feet contribute to a better-aligned spine, offering longer-lasting relief and improved overall wellness. Should you opt for custom orthotics, we may schedule extra time in a future visit to ensure a perfect fit. Contact Governor’s Park Chiropractic today to explore how our custom orthotics can be a key part of your journey to optimal spinal health and comfort.

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Are There Side Effects to Chiropractic Adjustment? Tue, 02 Jan 2024 18:05:56 +0000 Chiropractic adjustments, also known as spinal manipulations, are a popular form of treatment used to alleviate pain and improve function in various parts of the body, particularly the back and neck. More than 35 million Americans (nearly 1 in 4 Americans) visit chiropractors annually, highlighting the widespread use of this healthcare approach. While many people […]

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Chiropractic adjustments, also known as spinal manipulations, are a popular form of treatment used to alleviate pain and improve function in various parts of the body, particularly the back and neck. More than 35 million Americans (nearly 1 in 4 Americans) visit chiropractors annually, highlighting the widespread use of this healthcare approach. While many people find relief through chiropractic care, it’s essential to consider the potential side effects and risks associated with this practice.

Understanding Chiropractic Adjustments

Historical Background

Chiropractic care originated in the late 19th century with the principles established by D.D. Palmer. It was based on the idea that the body has a powerful self-healing ability and that the spine’s condition is fundamental to overall health.

Chiropractic Philosophy

The core philosophy behind chiropractic treatment is that misalignments of the spine can lead to disruptions in the nervous system, potentially causing various disorders, especially those related to the back, neck, and joints. Chiropractors believe that correcting these alignments enhances the body’s natural healing processes.

Techniques Used

While spinal manipulation is the most common technique in chiropractic care, practitioners may employ various methods, including:

  • Mobilization: Moving and stretching the muscles and joints to improve motion.
  • Spinal Decompression: Gently stretching the spine to alleviate pain due to herniated discs or other spinal disorders.
  • Activator Technique: Using a small, hand-held device to deliver gentle impulses to the spine.

Integrative Approach

Many chiropractors integrate other holistic approaches, such as nutritional counseling, exercise rehabilitation, and lifestyle advice, to promote overall wellness.

Common Side Effects

Most people who undergo chiropractic adjustments experience minimal to no side effects. However, some individuals might experience mild discomfort or soreness in the treated areas. This discomfort is usually temporary and resolves within 24 to 48 hours. Other common side effects include:

  • Temporary Pain or Discomfort: Some patients report aching or soreness in the spinal joints or muscles. This is typically mild and short-lived.
  • Fatigue: A sense of tiredness or fatigue is another common reaction, possibly due to the release of tension in the muscles.
  • Headaches: Some individuals might experience headaches following an adjustment, especially if the neck was treated.
  • Muscle Soreness and Stiffness: Just like after a workout, the muscles that have been manipulated during a chiropractic session may feel sore. This is due to the release of muscle tension and the body’s response to the realignment.
  • Reactions in Chronic Pain Areas: Patients with chronic pain may initially experience an increase in pain following adjustments. This reaction is often part of the healing process as the body adapts to the new alignment.
  • Emotional Release: Some patients might experience an emotional response after treatment. This can range from a feeling of euphoria to a sudden onset of emotions. This is believed to be due to the release of tension in the body.

Rare but Serious Side Effects

While rare, there are more serious side effects associated with chiropractic adjustments that should not be ignored:

  • Herniated Discs: In rare cases, spinal manipulation can worsen a pre-existing herniated disc or even cause a new one.
  • Cervical Spine Manipulation Risks: Manipulation of the neck has been associated with a rare but serious condition known as vertebral artery dissection, a type of stroke.
  • Neurological Consequences: In very rare instances, patients might experience complications like cauda equina syndrome, which affects the bundle of nerve roots at the lower end of the spinal cord.

Risk Factors

Certain conditions might increase the risk of experiencing adverse effects from chiropractic adjustments. These include:

  • Osteoporosis: Individuals with weakened bones should approach spinal manipulations with caution.
  • History of Spinal Surgery: Patients who have had spinal surgery should discuss their history with a chiropractor before undergoing treatment.
  • Severe Arthritis: Severe joint disease can complicate chiropractic treatments.
  • Medication Use: Certain medications can increase the risk of complications from spinal manipulations.

Precautions and Safety Measures

To minimize the risks associated with chiropractic adjustments:

  • Consult a Healthcare Provider: Before starting chiropractic treatment, consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have a history of health problems.
  • Choose a Qualified Chiropractor: Ensure that the chiropractor is licensed and has a good track record. Discuss your health history and concerns before starting treatment.
  • Report All Symptoms: If you experience any adverse effects after a chiropractic adjustment, report them to your chiropractor immediately.
  • Follow Instructions: Adhere to any aftercare instructions provided by your chiropractor to minimize discomfort and promote healing.

Embracing Holistic Wellness with Governor’s Park Chiropractic

At Governor’s Park Chiropractic, we recognize the importance of a holistic approach to chiropractic care in Denver, Colorado. Led by the highly trained Dr. Omid Ferdowsian, our clinic specializes in comprehensive treatments that go beyond just symptom relief. Our focus is on treating the whole body through a combination of chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, massage, proper nutrition, and exercise. We strive for long-term health and wellness for our patients, ensuring that each treatment plan is tailored to your unique needs and wellness goals.

From your first visit, we conduct thorough examinations to identify the underlying causes of your discomfort and discuss your health aspirations. Our team’s extensive training and expertise in spinal and extremity conditions, and sports-related injuries, allow us to offer care that is responsive to your body’s specific requirements. Whether you’re seeking pain relief, improved mobility, or overall wellness, Governor’s Park Chiropractic is here to guide you toward achieving your health objectives. Contact us today.

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How Does Shockwave Therapy Help With Plantar Fasciitis? Mon, 06 Nov 2023 16:24:47 +0000 Shockwave therapy, or extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), has been used to treat various musculoskeletal conditions, including plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain, often resulting from inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes. A leading treatment of plantar fasciitis […]

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Shockwave therapy, or extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), has been used to treat various musculoskeletal conditions, including plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain, often resulting from inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes. A leading treatment of plantar fasciitis is shockwave therapy, which applies sound waves to the affected area to promote tissue healing. In addition to rest, custom orthotics, and stretching, studies have shown that shockwave therapy is an effective course of treatment for plantar fasciitis.

Benefits of Shockwave Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis

Before discussing how shockwave therapy helps with plantar fasciitis, it’s important to know how it works to treat the affected area. The ESWT machine from CuraMedix is a compressed air ballistic pulse wave generator, which generates pulse waves via the precision ballistic system in the wand. When the waves force the projectile to strike against the pulse transmitter (the part of the device that touches the patient’s skin), it creates kinetic energy, which then turns into sound energy.

This sound energy, made up of sound waves, induces microtrauma in the tissue. This microtrauma stimulates a series of biological responses, leading to the release of certain growth factors that promote healing and the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). Either a gel or acoustic impedance adapter is placed between the device and the patient’s skin during the treatment to act as a medium through which sound waves can travel to reach a patient’s skin.

Shockwave Therapy Improves Blood Flow and Reduces Pain

Shockwave therapy affects many areas of the body all at once. Primarily, the creation of microtraumas incites the body to respond by creating new blood vessels that promote the healing of an injury. Moreover, the process of neovascularization — as the formation of new blood vessels is known — improves the delivery of oxygen-rich blood that helps repair damaged tissue. In addition, shockwaves can stimulate the production of collagen to repair damaged fascia; disrupt pain mediators and, increase the release of certain substances that have analgesic (pain-reducing) effects, stimulate nerve fibers to reduce pain perception.

When you sustain an injury, the scar tissue that forms limits muscle movement, which is why you might feel tightness when attempting to move the affected area. This is typically followed by pain, as you’re attempting to stretch a muscle that is rigid. Scar tissue can take a long time to heal properly, but shockwave therapy can help break down this tissue, improving elasticity and mobility.

It’s worth noting that while many people experience relief from plantar fasciitis pain after shockwave therapy, the results can vary. Some individuals may need multiple treatments before they notice a significant improvement.

How Many Shockwave Therapy Sessions Are Needed to Fix Plantar Fasciitis?

Typically, for plantar fasciitis, patients usually undergo between three to five sessions, although this can vary. If you’re only exhibiting mild symptoms, you may only need a few sessions, whereas those with more severe cases can expect to undergo additional treatment. That’s because the effects of shockwave therapy vary by person. Some patients may notice a gradual improvement with each session, while others might only perceive the benefits after completing the full course of treatment. In any case, sessions are generally spaced about a week apart. This allows the body time to respond to the treatment and initiate the healing process.

Since the number of shockwave therapy sessions is based on the severity of the patient’s plantar fasciitis condition, only a doctor can definitively prescribe the number of treatments necessary. The effectiveness of the treatment is typically assessed after the completion of the recommended sessions. A doctor may increase the number of treatments, as well as the intensity if the course of treatment fails to achieve the expected results.

There are different forms of shockwave therapy, such as focused shockwave therapy (FSWT) and radial shockwave therapy (RSWT). The type, intensity, and frequency can impact the number of sessions required. While shockwave therapy is not inherently painful at lower intensities, higher-intensity therapies require the use of a local anesthetic or sedative.

Note: The shockwave therapy machines used at Governor’s Park Chiropractic do not need local anesthesia.

Often, shockwave therapy is just one part of a comprehensive treatment approach. Physical therapy, orthotics, stretching exercises, anti-inflammatory medications, or other interventions might also be recommended in conjunction with shockwave therapy.

Can Shockwave Therapy Make Plantar Fasciitis Worse?

In some cases, shockwave therapy can lead to a temporary increase in symptoms or complications, which may make it seem like the plantar fasciitis has worsened.

Some individuals may experience an increase in pain immediately after the treatment. This can be due to the inflammatory response induced by the shockwaves, which is intended to promote healing. This heightened pain usually subsides within a few days. The therapy can also lead to localized swelling, bruising, or redness in the treated area. Some patients report transient numbness or tingling in the treated area.

Shockwave Therapy — The Answer To Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis affects roughly two million people in the U.S., yet many cases go undiagnosed or untreated. Though not life-threatening, this condition can cause major discomfort when standing or walking for long periods of time. Treatments such as stretching or wearing custom orthotics can manage the discomfort and treat the root cause of the issue, but they can take months. Shockwave therapy, on the other hand, works much faster. This therapy can treat plantar fasciitis in as little as three to five 30-minute sessions.

Governor’s Park Chiropractic shockwave therapy treatments are ideal for Denver-area patients with plantar fasciitis. You only have to attend one short therapy session per week. You also don’t have to worry about asking someone to drive you home, as we do not use local anesthesia or sedatives for the treatment. If you’re ready to take the first step toward a plantar fasciitis-free life, book your appointment today.

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Does Shockwave Therapy Help With Tennis Elbow? Fri, 27 Oct 2023 18:21:22 +0000 Tennis elbow, medically known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition where the outer part of the elbow becomes painful and tender. It’s a form of tendinopathy that involves the tendons of the muscles of the forearm that attach to the lateral epicondyle, the bony bump on the outer part of the elbow. This injury affects […]

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Tennis elbow, medically known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition where the outer part of the elbow becomes painful and tender. It’s a form of tendinopathy that involves the tendons of the muscles of the forearm that attach to the lateral epicondyle, the bony bump on the outer part of the elbow. This injury affects people of all ages and backgrounds, and it’s caused by repetitive use of the muscles and tendons that govern the outer part of the elbow. Playing tennis is a common way of developing tennis elbow, hence the name, though direct trauma to the elbow or improper technique can also cause this condition.

Various treatments for tennis elbow are available, including extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), which is a scientifically backed treatment that involves the use of sound waves. However, it’s advised that those seeking shockwave therapy for treating tennis elbow do their research, as there exist several forms of shockwave therapy. We’ve done just that. Continue reading to learn about shockwave therapy and how it can help your tennis elbow injury.

Tennis Elbow Goes Away on Its Own… Slowly

Tennis elbow will eventually go away if left untreated. It’s not a life-threatening injury, nor is it one that will interfere with day-to-day tasks. All it takes is easing off the elbow by discontinuing the activity that caused the injury in the first place. While most people can deal with the discomfort until it goes away, not many can wait that long to use their elbow at full capacity again.

An untreated tennis elbow injury can take between six months to two years to heal, though, according to the United Kingdom’ National Health Service, 90% of patients recover within the year. That’s a long time to wait if you play sports or require the use of your elbow for work. In those cases, a tennis elbow injury can interfere with your daily life, so it should be treated as soon as possible.

Tennis Elbow Treatments

Treatments for tennis elbow range in severity, with some requiring very little time and effort and others requiring physical therapy and even surgery. Your best course of action should be a decision made between you and your doctor, but it’s worth briefly reviewing the types of treatments available before making a decision.

  • Rest and Activity Modification: Avoiding activities that exacerbate the pain is crucial.
  • Pain Relievers: Over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can help reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Physical Therapy: Specific exercises can help strengthen the forearm muscles and reduce stress on the tendons.
  • Bracing: Wearing a counterforce brace or strap around the forearm can help distribute force more evenly and take the strain off the tendons.
  • Ice: Applying ice to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Steroid Injections: Corticosteroid injections can provide temporary relief from pain, but they are not always recommended due to potential side effects.
  • Surgery: If conservative treatments don’t work, surgical intervention may be considered. The procedure typically involves removing damaged tissue and reattaching healthy tendons to the bone.

Shockwave Therapy and Tennis Elbow

Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT) and Focused Shockwave Therapy (FSWT) are both forms of extracorporeal shockwave therapy used in the treatment of various musculoskeletal conditions. However, they differ in their mechanisms of action, depth of penetration, and indications. Here’s a breakdown of the differences:

Mechanism of Generation:

Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT): RSWT produces shockwaves using a pneumatically accelerated projectile that strikes a metal applicator placed on the skin. The shockwaves then radiate outwards in a radial manner from the applicator.

Focused Shockwave Therapy (FSWT): FSWT produces shockwaves using either electromagnetic, piezoelectric, or electrohydraulic methods. These shockwaves are focused on a specific point deep within the tissue.

Depth of Penetration:

RSWT: The shockwaves produced by RSWT are more superficial and spread out in a radial pattern. They tend to lose their intensity quickly as they penetrate deeper into the tissues.

FSWT: The shockwaves in FSWT are more focused and can penetrate deeper into the tissues, targeting specific areas.

RSWT: Typically used for superficial musculoskeletal conditions such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, and tennis elbow.

FSWT: More suitable for deeper musculoskeletal conditions or where a more targeted treatment is required, such as non-union fractures or calcific shoulder tendinopathy.

Pain and Discomfort:

RSWT: Generally considered less painful than FSWT, but this can vary depending on the individual and the condition being treated.

FSWT: This can be more painful due to the focused nature of the shockwaves, sometimes requiring local anesthesia.

Treatment Duration:

RSWT: Typically, RSWT sessions are shorter in duration compared to FSWT.

FSWT: Due to its focused nature, FSWT sessions might take longer, and fewer shockwaves are usually applied compared to RSWT.

Device Design:

RSWT: Devices are usually more compact and portable.

FSWT: Devices tend to be larger due to the more complex mechanism of shockwave generation.

Both RSWT and FSWT have their own advantages and are chosen based on the specific condition, depth of the target tissue, and the desired therapeutic outcome. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment option for a particular condition.

Is RSWT or FSWT Better for Tennis Elbow?

Studies have conclusively demonstrated that radial shockwave therapy is more effective than ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, and corticosteroid injections. But, more importantly, studies like this one from the Archives of Medical Science have proven that both radial and focused shockwave therapies are incredibly effective at treating tennis elbow.

However, if you have to decide between the two, radial shockwave therapy is recommended for several reasons. As stated above, RSWT is better able to treat tendinopathies like tennis elbow and other superficial-level injuries, such as plantar fasciitis, because the sound waves do not penetrate as deep. The main advantage is that radial shockwave therapy doesn’t take as long and doesn’t require anesthesia. Patients can be in and out in as little as 30-45 minutes and can drive themselves home.

Governor’s Park Chiropractic — Tennis Elbow Treatment in Denver

Tennis elbow can happen to anyone, whether playing tennis, throwing around a football, or hammering nails all day. Treatment isn’t required, as it can go away after about a year, but it is recommended. With radial shockwave therapy, a person experiencing tennis elbow can get back to their normal activities in just a few weeks.

Governor’s Park Chiropractic, a prominent chiropractic care clinic with several locations around the Denver metro, offers radial shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow. If you have developed a tennis elbow injury and can’t wait a year for it to disappear, our expert shockwave therapist can get you back on the court in no time. Call us at (303) 831-1122 to learn more about shockwave therapy, or book your appointment today.

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Tennis Elbow vs. Golfer’s Elbow: Everything you need to know Fri, 29 Sep 2023 14:54:10 +0000 For an avid tennis player or a golf enthusiast, the swing of the racket or the strike of the ball is more than just a game — it’s a passion. Both sports can be done at a very high level, but the beauty of tennis and golf is that people of all ages can enjoy […]

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For an avid tennis player or a golf enthusiast, the swing of the racket or the strike of the ball is more than just a game — it’s a passion. Both sports can be done at a very high level, but the beauty of tennis and golf is that people of all ages can enjoy them. Golf and tennis are both sports that most people can participate in as they age because they’re relatively safe. The operative words here are “relatively safe.” While you won’t have to worry about another player charging you or knocking you to the ground, injuries still happen on the court and the fairway.

On the tennis court, you might pick up a few scratches and bruises if you happen to fall, but the most common injuries in tennis and golf don’t happen through accidents. No, they happen over time through the repeated use of certain muscles and tendons. If you’ve ever experienced pain in your elbow after a game, you might be familiar with tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow. The two injuries are similar, and both are treatable. Yet, there are differences that make their treatment unique.

What is Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, known medically as lateral epicondylitis, is an overuse injury that affects the tendons on the outside (lateral side) of the elbow. Contrary to its name, it doesn’t solely affect tennis players. Anyone who indulges in repetitive wrist and arm motions can develop this condition. Carpenters, who frequently use their forearm strength to drive nails into hard surfaces, are just as likely to get tennis elbow over time.

It occurs when the tendons that join the forearm muscles to the outer elbow bone become inflamed and painful. The primary muscle affected, extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB), helps stabilize the wrist when the elbow is straight. This muscle runs from the elbow all the way to the middle finger, which is why those with tennis elbow will experience discomfort in that specific finger.

What is Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s elbow, or medial epicondylitis, is an injury that affects the tendons on the inside (medial side) of the elbow. While it’s named after the sport that frequently sees this injury, it’s not exclusive to golfers. Any repetitive activity that involves gripping, rotating the arm, or flexing the wrist can lead to golfer’s elbow.

This condition arises when the tendons connecting the forearm muscles to the inside of the bone at the elbow joint become inflamed and cause pain. Golfer’s elbow mainly affects the pronator teres and the flexor carpi radialis muscles. The latter muscle runs through the inside of the forearm, causing discomfort in the wrist and pinkie finger.

Similarities and Differences between Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow

Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow are injuries on the opposite sides of the same coin. Tennis elbow affects the outside of the elbow, while golfer’s elbow affects the inside. Tennis elbow is often seen in activities that involve repeated backhand strokes or poor form in tennis serves. Conversely, golfer’s elbow is commonly seen in golfers with an improper grip or technique.

However, both injuries can happen to anyone. They both are caused by repetitive strain on the tendons of the forearm, and they both cause discomfort along the forearm and the wrist. The symptoms are different, but what matters is that the two ailments are treated similarly.

Avoiding and Treating Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow

Aside from putting a stop to repetitive use of the forearm, there’s nothing you can do to completely avoid these injuries. Your body may have a higher or lower tolerance for these conditions than others, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to reduce the risk of elbow injury. So what can you do:

Tips to Avoid Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

  • Stretch and warm up: Stretching and warming up your muscles is taking a page right out of the professional athlete training book. Spend a few minutes before strenuous use of the forearm to allow your muscles to prepare.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is always a good thing, but in this case, being hydrated can result in muscles with more flexibility. A muscle that is too tense from dehydration is at a higher risk for tears, which is what causes tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow.
  • Use the right equipment: Using a racket or club that’s too heavy can put additional stress on your forearm, so use equipment that feels more comfortable to reduce the risk of injury.
  • Rest: After a match or a round of golf, listen to your body. If you’re still aching the next time you’re thinking of playing, maybe take a rain check until you feel better.

Tips to Treat Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

  • Use heat and cold packs: Alternating between ice packs and heat packs will allow your muscles to recover faster. Ice helps to reduce inflammation and lessen pain, while heat packs improve the flow of blood and, therefore, oxygen to your muscles, which can help repair damaged tissue and improve flexibility.
  • Use a brace: Using a brace can prevent the injury from worsening. There are elbow braces made specifically to treat each condition.
  • Physical therapy: An experienced physical therapist can help get your elbow back into playing shape through various physical therapy exercises and techniques, including
  • Medication: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can provide temporary relief.

Get Back to Playing with Governor’s Park Chiropractic

Both tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow arise from overuse and repetitive strain, but with the right care, recovery is very attainable. Remember, it’s essential to give your body the rest it needs and ensure you’re using the proper technique in whatever activity you’re engaging in.

If you think you’re suffering from either of these conditions, seeking physical therapy early can make a difference in your treatment and recovery time. Contact Governor’s Park Chiropractic Lone Tree at (303) 831-1122 to schedule a physical therapy session. Your elbow will thank you!

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Is Chiropractic Therapy Only for Short-Term Treatment? Fri, 08 Sep 2023 16:40:03 +0000 The world of alternative medicine offers a wide variety of treatments to those looking to find relief from ailments without resorting to drugs or surgery. One such treatment, chiropractic care, often finds itself the subject of scrutiny. A common misconception about chiropractic care is that it’s only effective for short-term relief. However, this belief doesn’t […]

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The world of alternative medicine offers a wide variety of treatments to those looking to find relief from ailments without resorting to drugs or surgery. One such treatment, chiropractic care, often finds itself the subject of scrutiny. A common misconception about chiropractic care is that it’s only effective for short-term relief. However, this belief doesn’t capture the entire story. Let’s delve deeper into the nature and benefits of chiropractic therapy.

Choosing a chiropractor is a deeply personal and crucial decision. Governor’s Park Chiropractic not only recognizes this but excels in providing excellent chiropractic care tailored for each patient. Under the expertise of Dr. Omid Ferdowsian, patients are introduced to an integrative approach that melds chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, massage, nutrition, and exercise. If you’re in search of chiropractic care that aligns with your overall health goals, you don’t need to look further. Dive into a world where treatment isn’t just about symptom relief, but about holistic well-being.

Understanding Chiropractic Therapy

Before delving into its duration and effects, it’s essential to understand what chiropractic care entails. Originating from the Greek words ‘chiro’ and ‘praktikos’, which mean ‘hand’ and ‘practice’ respectively, chiropractic care primarily involves hands-on manipulation, especially of the spine. The central belief in chiropractic care is that proper alignment of the body’s musculoskeletal structure, particularly the spine, will enable the body to heal itself without surgery or medication.

Short-Term Benefits

Undeniably, chiropractic adjustments can provide immediate relief for many patients. These benefits are palpable and can significantly improve one’s quality of life in the short run:

  • Pain Relief: Chiropractic care is renowned for its efficacy in providing immediate relief from acute lower back pain. A hands-on approach targets not just the symptoms but the source of pain. Moreover, pain in other areas, such as the neck or joints, can also see significant improvement after a few sessions.
  • Restored Mobility: It’s not uncommon for patients, especially the elderly or those who’ve suffered injuries, to experience restricted movement in certain joints. Chiropractic adjustments can help in loosening these joints and restoring the patient’s mobility, allowing them to resume daily activities with ease.
  • Headache Reduction: Spinal issues can manifest as tension headaches or even migraines. By addressing potential spinal misalignments or tensions, chiropractic care can substantially reduce the frequency and intensity of these headaches.
  • Improved Sleep: Many patients report better sleep after chiropractic sessions. While more research is needed to elaborate on this link, relief from pain and muscle relaxation can contribute to more restful nights.

Long-Term Benefits

While short-term benefits are more tangible, the long-term advantages of chiropractic care can be transformative:

  • Chronic Pain Management: Instead of relying on a cocktail of pain medications, which may have side effects or lead to dependency, patients can manage chronic pain with regular chiropractic care. This holistic approach ensures that the root causes, like misaligned joints or stressed muscles, are addressed.
  • Improved Posture: Modern lifestyles, particularly jobs that require prolonged sitting, can lead to postural issues. Regular chiropractic adjustments can correct anomalies, like spinal tilts, curvatures, and slouching, which may develop over the years.
  • Strengthened Immune System: While research is still ongoing, chiropractic care has been implicated in improving the immune function of patients. Chiropractic care, by improving spinal health and nerve function, might boost the immune response, making the body more adept at warding off diseases.
  • Prevention: Consistent chiropractic care isn’t just about addressing existing problems; it’s about preventing potential issues. By ensuring the musculoskeletal system’s health, patients can avoid many ailments that might arise from neglecting spinal health.
  • Enhanced Athletic Performance: Athletes can benefit from improved joint mobility, reduced risk of injury, and faster recovery times, all attributed to regular chiropractic care.

Maintenance vs. Corrective Care

The differentiation between short-term and long-term chiropractic care often comes down to the distinction between maintenance and corrective care.

  • Maintenance Care: This is akin to getting a regular check-up at the dentist. Regular adjustments, even when you feel okay, can keep your musculoskeletal system in top shape and might prevent bigger issues down the road.
  • Corrective Care: For those with specific injuries or long-standing issues, a more extended, dedicated treatment plan may be needed. This approach aims to correct the underlying problem over time.

Is Long-Term Chiropractic Care for Everyone?

The answer, as with many medical treatments, varies. The benefits a patient might experience from extended chiropractic treatment will depend on individual factors like age, overall health, and the nature of their musculoskeletal issues.

It’s always crucial to have an open dialogue with your chiropractor about the expected duration of treatment and the goals you aim to achieve. This conversation will provide clarity on whether a short-term intervention or a long-term treatment plan is more appropriate for your situation.

Adjust Chiropractic Care for Your Needs

Chiropractic care, far from being a mere short-term solution, offers benefits across a spectrum of timeframes. While it might bring immediate relief for some conditions, its real value might lie in the long-term wellness and prevention it fosters.

As with any treatment or therapeutic intervention, individual experiences will vary. Therefore, it’s essential to approach chiropractic care with an open mind, armed with information, and in collaboration with a trusted professional to determine the best course of action for your unique needs.

At Governor’s Park Chiropractic, we prioritize your health goals. From a detailed first-visit examination to creating a tailored treatment plan, our team stands by you at each step. With extensive training and a patient-centric approach, we promise care that resonates with your body’s unique needs. Experience a difference in chiropractic care. Schedule your appointment at Governor’s Park Chiropractic now.

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Can a Chiropractor Help With Anxiety? Exploring the Mind-Body Connection Wed, 26 Jul 2023 16:33:37 +0000 Anxiety, a pervasive mental health concern, has a significant impact on the global population. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in eight people worldwide suffers from anxiety, making it the most common mental health disorder globally. Traditionally, the first line of treatment includes medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. However, in recent years, many […]

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Anxiety, a pervasive mental health concern, has a significant impact on the global population. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in eight people worldwide suffers from anxiety, making it the most common mental health disorder globally.

Traditionally, the first line of treatment includes medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. However, in recent years, many have begun to explore alternative avenues of treatment, such as chiropractic care. But can chiropractic help with anxiety?

Governor’s Park Chiropractic is one of Denver’s leading full-service chiropractic offices. Serving patients throughout Colorado and the greater Denver area, our Denver chiropractic office offers a range of treatments, including massage therapy, acupuncture, and spinal decompression. Our holistic approach is sure to offer something for anyone looking for relief. With unmatched experience and dedication, our team at Governor’s Park Chiropractic is here to help.

Understanding Anxiety

Before exploring the role of chiropractic care in managing anxiety, it is crucial to understand the nature of the condition itself. Anxiety disorders involve excessive worry, fear, and apprehension and often lead to physical symptoms such as restlessness, rapid heart rate, and difficulty concentrating.

Anxiety is a complex condition with many causes. It could be something as simple as being worried about a new job or as complex as an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. Regardless, anxiety affects us all and is a daily struggle for many people.

The Mind-Body Connection

The mind and body are intricately connected, and disruptions in one can impact the other, making anxiety and chiropractic care a lot more connected than you might think. Stress and anxiety can manifest physically, leading to muscle tension, headaches, and even compromised immune function. Conversely, physical imbalances or misalignments can contribute to mental and emotional distress.

Chiropractic Care and Anxiety Relief

Chiropractic care primarily focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine. In a 2020 study by the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, it was found that patients suffering from anxiety and depression showed marked improvements after undergoing chiropractic care. The study postulated that these improvements were due to the effects of chiropractic adjustments on the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the body’s unconscious actions. When misalignments (or subluxations) occur in the spine, they can disrupt this system, potentially causing or exacerbating symptoms of anxiety.

While chiropractic care does not directly treat anxiety, misalignments in the spine can interfere with nerve signal transmission and create an imbalance in the body’s stress response system, leading to anxiety and other mental health issues. Chiropractic for anxiety corrects these misalignments through a series of adjustments, thereby enhancing nerve function and promoting overall wellness.

Furthermore, a 2017 review of the literature published in Neural Plasticity established a clear link between chronic back pain and anxiety disorders. By relieving chronic pain, chiropractic treatments may indirectly alleviate symptoms of anxiety.

Moreover, chiropractic adjustments have been reported to influence the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins, which are involved in mood regulation. By restoring proper alignment, chiropractic care may contribute to a more balanced neurochemical environment, reducing anxiety symptoms.

Holistic Approach to Mental Health

In addition to direct interventions, chiropractors often adopt a holistic approach to patient health. They typically provide nutritional advice, exercise recommendations, and stress management techniques as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. These aspects can significantly contribute to mental health improvement. A balanced diet and regular exercise, for instance, have been shown to reduce anxiety symptoms.

It’s important to note that anxiety is a complex condition that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment. While these findings are promising, it is crucial to highlight that the research field connecting chiropractic care and mental health is still in its infancy. The studies available are limited and often have small sample sizes, leading to a need for more robust, large-scale investigations.

Chiropractic care should not replace evidence-based therapies for anxiety, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or medication when necessary. Chiropractic care should be seen as a complementary therapy that can work in conjunction with other treatments to support overall well-being.

Helping Anxiety Through a Relaxed and Healthy Body

In conclusion, while we continue to unravel the complex world of mental health, exploring the potential role of chiropractic care in managing anxiety adds another layer to our understanding. It appears that going to a chiropractor for anxiety treatment may have a role to play in mitigating anxiety symptoms. Still, the question as to how effective chiropractic care is for anxiety remains at large. More conclusive studies are required to firmly establish this connection.

Start your journey towards a healthier, less anxious life with Governor’s Park Chiropractic. Our dedicated team of professionals is ready to guide and support you every step of the way. Schedule an appointment today and discover how chiropractic care can make a positive difference in your life.

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